2017年1月22日 星期日

讓 Mac Sierra 可以安裝第三方軟體

啟用功能: (開啟允許「任何來源」選項)
終端機程式 > sudo spctl --master-disable

停用功能: (關閉「任何來源」選項)
終端機程式 > sudo spctl --master-enable

2017年1月14日 星期六

colorFixed For Diablo & HellFire

1. Colors for Diablo are messed up!

   建議作業系統: Windows 7 x86

1. Create a new notepad file in the same directory as your Hellfire.exe executable

2. Enter the exact following and save it as a .bat filetype :

@echo off
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe

3. Run the .bat file to play Diablo: Hellfire and never again do you need to use the Hellfire.exe executable. What this .bat file will do is completely end explorer.exe (all folder will close as well, of course) and open up a black window followed by the launch of Diablo: Hellfire. Leave that black window open in the background, it's harmless. When you are done playing Diablo: Hellfire, exit the game, return to the black window and hit enter to automatically re-launch explorer.exe and carry on with your life.